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How do I get a HAF ID Code?

HAF (Holiday Activities and Food) ID Codes are unique codes issued to every child that meets the eligibility criteria. This includes children eligible for Benefit Related Free School Meals, children with an EHCP and children who are Looked After. Vouchers are issued through schools through email or text directly to parents.

If you meet the criteria you will receive an E-voucher up to 3 weeks before the HAF holiday through email. Parents will be given a unique set of codes for each child, they need these codes to book activities. HAF only runs during the Easter, Summer and Winter holidays. No HAF codes will not be issued during half-term.

If your child has not received a code within the 3 week time scale please contact the team using the contact form on the website, we will be happy to help.

Don’t meet the eligibility criteria but looking for activities? Check out the website and social media platforms for activities that provide universal (free for everyone) or paid places.